Saturday, January 19, 2008

Oh Great, another blog...

I feel like i need to briefly explain the existence of this blog. Most people that are going to come across this blog already know that my wife started a blog this past year. It's basically the family blog (or "mom blog", whatever you want to call it). We find it a great way to stay current with friends and family (and if we get random passers-by that are interested in our weekly visits to disneyland, then I guess we welcome that too). In the past year I've come to appreciate a good web log. Mostly I am looking out for quality music blogs where people have posted or have links to great music that I haven't yet discovered, yet I've grown to enjoy the personal updates from friends and family. As I have started to visit more and more web logs I have felt the need to post a reply or a comment. Now when you post a comment on another blog it automatically enters your name & link to your own blog if you happen to be signed in already. What this means is I have left comments on other peoples blogs as "Melanie" because I have had no luck with the co-author option on Blogger. The only way I found where I could leave a comment with my own name was to start a blog of my own. So here I am. I've decided that this will be for posts that don't necessarily fall into the family blog category. In other words, I have no idea how often I will actually post here, but when I do I'll make it worth your time.


Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

hurray... ?!?!

i linked you anyway. that way i can check and see how often you actually post! :)

Melanie said...

I logged on here to leave you a comment and Kelsi totally beat me to it! I just wanted to say that you are always worth my time, even if you are too good/interesting for a family blog. Whatever, I'm not mad.
Love you!

amy said...

yeah lin! i'm always interested in finding new tunes, and as you are savvy, i know you'll introduce lots of us to funky grooves. you should check out my friend tyler's (aka pigbat) blog, it's overflowing with obscure bands, musicians and videos - i think you'll totally love it!